Pre-school classes at Julie Rohr Academy offer a dynamic program rich in hands on experiences and performing arts opportunities. Children must be 2 years old to begin. The students are placed according to age, taking into consideration emotional and social maturity and development.
The children begin their day with circle time activities. They enjoy learning through play. The Creative Curriculum includes learning activities which develop verbal skills and language as well as alphabet awareness and recognition of the ABCs. They explore science and social studies concepts at topic time, and understand mathematical skills using manipulative materials. Large and small motor skills are developed through art, music and PE activities.
All children participate in the music programs presented in the fall, winter, and end of the year. This is a wonderful opportunity for creative expression and building self-esteem. They are adorable! Julie Rohr Academy enjoys an extended family atmosphere. Many students are offspring of former Julie Rohr Academy students. There is open communication between the parents and staff at all times. Parents are provided with daily student reports.
PreKindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten (TK)
Students range in age from 3 to 5 years old. There is one Pre-Kindergarten class and a Transitional Kindergarten. Each of these classes provides a foundation for lifelong learning. The children are grouped according to age, taking emotional and developmental maturity into consideration.
Julie Rohr Academy offers a rich program of academic learning through play, hands on experiences and fine motor skills developed through art, music, developmental learning materials (DLM), and PE everyday. The Creative Curriculum offers a variety of activities and materials to give each child an excellent program for learning achievement.
The Pre-Kindergarten curriculum includes learning activities which develop verbal and language skills, and an expanded vocabulary. The children recognize the upper and lower case letters of the alphabet as well as the sounds of the consonants. They identify rhyming words and begin to read. The "Handwriting without Tears" is an excellent program to begin writing. Topic time allows exploration of science and developing a love of social studies. Mathematical skills are comprehended through the use of manipulatives, hands on games and materials.
Large and small motor skills are developed through art, music and PE everyday.
Transitional kindergarten class offers the children who are not age appropriate for kindergarten a wonderful opportunity to bridge the gap between Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten. The Transitional Kindergarten class builds on the readiness skills that have been introduced and achieved at the other levels. They also enjoy many hands on experiences to understand, explore and discover concepts.
TK enjoys learning reading readiness skills using the Letter People Program.